Sign Up for
Summer Camp 2025!

Coming Soon….
Camps in Westport, Fairfield, Weston, Greenwich, &……

Private Camps - June 9th & June 16th - August 29th
*NEW Reserve the indoor space for your entire group.

Email: SaraHollandSports@gmail.com

Public Indoor Camp - June 9- August 26th
833 Post Rd. E - Westport Space is Limited, For ages 2.5 - K

Public Outdoor Camp -June 23 -August 8th
REGISTER HERE -Registration begins March 6
REGISTRATION is handled through Westport Continuing Ed.
Long Lots Elementary School, Westport
For ages 2.5 - K, siblings welcome too.

EVEN BETTER…Organize your own private camp!
We bring all the equipment and fun!
Pick your days and times

*No refunds for summer camp. You can switch weeks or receive credit for future service.