In Your Community
I love being out in the community helping your schools and organizations. We have made friendships, become healthier, and helped many kids in their sport endeavors. You will see us in your child's Pre-K Programs - Learning Community Day School (Westport), Green's Farms Nursery School (Westport), Trinity Parish Nursery School (Southport), St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School (Fairfield), Nitzan Nursery School (Norwalk), and The Children’s School (Stamford).
We bring all kinds of sports and movement activities to schools.So excited to be a part of Greens Farms Academy Horizons Program!
You will find us at your events - Day of Champions or helping sponsor the Westport Minute Man Kids' Fun Run (Westport Young Women's League)
You might see me Running or Cycling! - I couldn't have found a better group - Run Like A Mother or TTE Cycling in Westport
You will find us coaching in various capacities with baseball and softball teams in and around the area. Currently helping guide and work with Weston Little League & Easton Little League Softball Organizations.
You will find us helping. We love reaching out as we have been involved in The United Way Day of Caring Fitness Event.